Product description:
Description: Drilling Starches manufactured by us are pre-gelatinized starch with potato, maize or tapioca as their base. They are used as fluid loss reducer in water based drilling muds for drilling and is also used extensively in mining operations. They are most preferred choice because of their excellent fluid loss reduction properties , high temperature resistance, viscosity and water holding/retaining property.
Our starch meets or exceeds API 13A specifications.
Applications / Advantages:
1) Our Drilling starch helps drills reach further and run freely.
2) They reduce fluid loss in water based drilling and provide temperature stability.
3) Our drilling starch maximizes solids removal and increase hydraulic efficiency.
4) They are easy to use and performs on wide variety of waters.
5) Drilling Starch is widely used in mining operations.
Starch Source: Corn, Tapioca or Potato
Packaging: 25/50 Kg printed or plain HDPE/PP bag/Multiply Paper Bag/Paper & PP Combined bag. Custom packaging options available on request.
Shelf Life: 1 year from the date of manufacturing
Additional Information:
Item Code
Packaging Details
25/50 Kg printed or plain HDPE/PP bag/Multiply Paper Bag/Paper & PP Combined bag. Custom packaging options available on request.
About us
Since last 20 years, We are one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of varied range of starch and its derivatives in industry. Our product line comprises of Native Starch, Pregelatinized Starch, Briquette Binder, Modified starch, Drilling starch, Dextrin, CMS and other starch derivatives.
We are also creating and developing customized solutions for our customers and also conducting joint trials with them to develop a customized product as per their requirement. More than 16 different industries including Oil well drilling, Coal Briquette, Adhesive, Foundry, Paper, Corrugation and Textile uses our various products.
Satisfaction to Customer is our prime motto. We are widely acknowledged for our ability to understand and satisfy the customer's requirements. Creating high quality products at most economical prices and make product deliveries within stipulated time-frame is one of our mantra. We offer both standardized as well as customized solutions to our clients which make us one of the preferred business partners of our clients.
We assure you to deliver the the highest quality products at the most economical prices and of an extremely pleasant and smooth business experience
Looking forward to do business with you.
批号:A-0180918 日期:2019.09.22
项目 执行标准 检验指标
细度(R40/30, Ф200x50/0.15mm试验筛过筛滤)%/ ≥ 80.0 90.0
白度(457mm光反射率)% ≥ 80.0 75.0
水分的质量分数/% ≤ 8.0 7.5
灰分的质量分数/% ≤ 0.50 0.38
PH值(10g/l)淀粉糊液 ≥ 7-10. 7.2
黏度 5g/100g淀粉糊液,25度/(mpa.s) ≥ 30 35
糊化度(a-化度)% ≥ 50-70 50
A 该项目可选择其中的一个黏度指标作为产品的质量指标,不同的黏度指标采用相对应的实验方法
检测方法: 用NDJ-8S 的粘度计百分之五的水溶液( 10克淀粉190克水 )
检测员: 复核: